Your Guide to Modern Parenting: Tips for Raising Kids from Toddlers to Teens

Modern parenting is all about raising good kids while balancing your traditional core values with modern-day concerns, including technology, mental health awareness, and equality. Today, we know much more about parenting than we once did. The strategies our parents used on us aren’t necessarily best for our children. Kids growing up today have to navigate all kinds of new challenges, many of which are brought about by technology. Zent invites you to explore some tips and resources to help you make sense of it all! 

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Many parents have a hard time deciding how to get the most out of technology without encouraging unhealthy habits.

●        Turn to educational games and activities as a way to give your children the chance to enjoy technology while learning something along the way.

●        Take advantage of online learning opportunities to pursue your own goals.

●        Make sure you know what your kids are being exposed to online.

●        Remember to set limits and encourage offline play.

Model Healthy Behaviors

Encouraging your kids to adopt healthy habits starts with you! Focus on modeling healthy eating, exercise, and stress coping behaviors so your kids pick up these same habits.

●        Cook healthy meals and get your children involved in the food preparation process.

●        Invite your children to join you for healthy activities like biking, hiking, or playing tennis.

●        Keep your home organized by cleaning up after yourself instead of creating a habit of leaving clutter around the house.

●        Make it easy for them to remember to brush and floss their teeth every day with easy-to-use toothbrushes and fun-flavored toothpaste and floss.

●        Model healthy coping mechanisms for stress or other uncomfortable emotions.

Treat Them with Respect

You cannot teach your kids respect without being respectful to them. Treat them like the people they are by avoiding baby talk, giving them the power to make decisions, and really listening when they have something to say.

●        Talk to your kids like you would to an adult. Modeling normal, respectful conversations will help them feel understood, included, and intelligent.

●        Genuinely listen to your children when they’re talking to you.

●        Let your kids have a say in family decisions.

●        Treating your teenagers with respect is one of the best ways to encourage them to show respect for you in return.

While the internet has given us access to all kinds of valuable parenting advice, this has actually made parenting harder. There’s so much conflicting information out there and it can be impossible to know what to take and what to leave. The good news is that there is no right way to raise children. Treat your kids with respect and give them your unconditional love, and you’ll do great!