ZentFlex | Pressure Sensitive Toothbrush

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Choosing The Right Products For A Healthy Mouth

Oral hygiene is significant to people of all ages. Its importance does not only end in the physical appearance of a person. Not only will healthy teeth give a person a beautiful smile, but they will also protect one’s overall health. Poor dental hygiene practices can lead to other conditions and diseases.

One of the challenges that people face is choosing the proper products. Having the right instruments will improve one’s at-home oral hygiene routine. Toothpaste may depend on your necessities. Most people find that using a soft toothbrush helps in protecting their gums.


The main purpose of most toothpaste that is available in the market is to keep the teeth of the user clean. However, other products contain additional ingredients that may not be good for your oral health. Thus, you should research about various toothpaste before choosing one.

The first thing you should do is to consider what one’s teeth need. You may understand this better after consulting a dentist. Your needs may differ from other people. However, you should understand what things you should avoid. 

People who have sensitive teeth might want to avoid whitening toothpaste. They may have powerful ingredients that can cause irritation or worsen the symptoms of tooth sensitivity. There are products with high sugar levels. Avoid these. You can develop oral problems such as tooth decay because of such products. 


The toothbrush is as vital as the toothpaste you choose. There are many styles, shapes, and sizes. So many people find it confusing. However, most professionals agree that using a soft toothbrush might be best for most people. These can help the user reach all the areas in one’s mouth.

You should also take note that it is necessary to replace one’s toothbrush regularly. Ideally, an individual should change one’s toothbrush every three months. However, you can change it earlier if it shows wear. If you have gotten a cold, you might want to consider changing your toothbrush. The bristles may have collected germs and cause reinfection. 

Proper Practice

Choosing the products is only the first step. You should have a proper brushing practice. Take note that oral hygiene does not evolve in the teeth. Your gums also need proper care.

One of the most common mistakes people do is they tend to brush fast. Generally, one should take at least two minutes. Some fail to clean their teeth thoroughly. You can do it systematically to make sure that you reach all surfaces. Come up with a system and make it a habit. Do not forget the places that are difficult to reach.

You should also take into consideration the right pressure to avoid causing more damage. If you think it would be hard for you to control the pressure, try using a toothbrush that can prevent you from brushing too hard. Have a better brushing habit with ZentFlex. Contact us now and find out how you can get your hands on this toothbrush.